Projection Mapped Office mural

Walk into most modern offices nowadays and you’re likely to see the walls adorned with some kind of corporate art. The coolest offices almost always have something super badass, like some heavy hitter street artists from around the world. Fortunately for us at M1 we had our own killer artist right in our own ranks - to be more specific we had local artist Brain Killer aka Brian Keller one of our producers. So the obvious thing to do would to take the idea of an office mural, turn it on it’s head and do it the M1 way.

Projection Mapping Mural

Brain Killer was asked to come up with a design that we could later projection map animations into different sections of the piece. The painting itself took roughly two days of work and about 15 to 20 cans of spray paint. Most of the physical work was done by Brian and our Technical Director Mike Wszalek was on hand for the projection mapping.

Projection Map Mural in progress

The design was fairly simple, lots of eyeballs, blobs and tencles with a large word bubble which made it perfect to curate different content into. As Brian created shapes, Mike was able to visualize the areas that needed to be filled with video content.

Typically for something like this, we would create the content and map the mural piece by piece but as this was somewhat a proof of concept Mike decided to use a Lightform device, which worked out just fine. In fact it made the process very easy and allowed us to swap in or out any content we wanted very quickly.

The final piece was a series of eyeballs, slime and a word bubble with a variety of images ranging from old school arcade games to Korean ramen commercials. The goal was to make something fun and generally absurd and I think we nailed it.

Author: Brian Keller


ATM Hacking


Alien Jump scare Effect